Know the rules

and information

In case of doubt, see the

information below.

Facilities that can be found in our apartments

Reading corner

The best place to enjoy and catch up on your reading with a good book. The best place to enjoy and catch up on your reading with a good book.

Zen space

If you’re an adventurer by nature, There’s nothing better than enjoying this zen corner after a busy day.

Meal corner

If you are passionate about cooking and you like to enjoy your cooking, we have a fully equipped space.

Rest and Decompression Corner

This space offers you the comfort to be able to rest and enjoy your free time to do your research with the sound of a good musical band.

Explore our fully equipped spaces ready to offer you moments of rest

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Apartment rules

#Rule 1

Resting Hours

So that everyone can enjoy a peaceful holiday, we ask you to make less noise from 12:00 am to 8:00 am

#Rule 2

Bed rules

Impossibility of changing beds without authorisation under penalty of fine.

#Rule 3

Happy hour

So that everyone can enjoy a fun holiday we have happy hour from 6pm to 8pm.